Drake VIEWS Full Album Tracklist: Keep the Family Close. This Album Was The Best Album Because He Spoke About The Truth Im Glad He Made It. Stream and Download Drake VIEWS album tracklist, music album downloader,mp3 album, Download Mp3,hipHop, Album download. You can stream & Listen to Free Zip ALBUM: Drake Views Mp3 Download 320kbps cdq itunes Fakaza. BreakBeatsRadio! Break Beats and Rhymes on late Saturdays from 2am to 4am. Download and Listen to this brand new music ALBUM: Drake titled Views. Do me a favor, listen to my radio station if you want REAL Hip Hop and true talent. It depletes the chances of real talent to make a splash. Especially with acts like these, he’s Canadian to boot…Companies have the only say on whats hot and whats not…but the best part, stupid people continue to purchase said material. And hip-hop today has fallen off by the wayside. So Drake.He has the must dull monotone voice I have ever heard.His voice has zero emotion. I dont understand # 9 because unfortunately I only speak english. I think that this album is a new tendency of hip hop becoz we r tired of listening always the same crap hip hop made by rapper like soulja boy and other hip hop nuisance. Thought it would be nice… you push this album like there´s no better. Hip-hop’s new “talent” is coming from the mean streets of Degrassi High. The album is okay with maybe four stand out songs for me because he took so long to bring the album out it was never going to live up to what people thought it would be but good first album

He da best ya’ll ever heard, Cock suckers! How to download Drake Scorpion album Zip Drake Scorpion album download on any players need the help of Drake Scorpion free album downloader, which will download Drake Scorpion album Zip to mp3. Ya’ll ma-fuckers r hatin’ on Drizzy, Why? beats me. Agree half with #3, but album of the year…don’t think so.