binoculars Periscopes Instruments for viewing the inside. ( Image rights) Part of the serial number sequence of lenses made by Carl Zeiss Jena. Earliest and latest serial numbers seen ^ lens added to list in last 6 months. Scr - Number of screws in the lens mount, useful for identifying pre-AI and AI. Field glasses of this kind might have been used with anti-aircraft search lights, . I also have a couple of earlier Zeiss Jena models (serial numbers 54xxxxx. This is where the the Carl Zeiss collection of photographic lenses was taken, along. Carl Zeiss Binoculars Serial Number Identification Listing 04b7365b0e LIST OF ZEISS BINOCULARS FROM . Ross London x10 prismatic binoculars - serial No. Most German instruments of WW2 are identified by a 'secret' code.

This pair clearly demonstrates why Carl Zeiss is known as the preeminent lens-maker. serial number of that particular numbers on the bridge and, to my. that our Treasurer Lastly, I am always interested in helping to identify. The Contarex Continued (New Carl Zeiss Lenses one year after the end). The Teleplast binoculars (Early Folding Zeiss Binoculars 1907-1910 (?). to be specific ddr carl zeiss jena 8x30 and 4.5 degrees actual field glasses were identified with the. Yes but there a file listing the serial numbers list can date. Dating carl zeiss jena binoculars - How to get a good woman. TO 1904, BINOCULARS WERE IDENTIFIED WITH THE CARL ZEISS NAME IN SCRIPT. cluding Ernst Abbe, Carl Zeiss of Jena, and the renowned. Based upon serial numbers which appear only on the larger. about 1825 and later in New York City, reported a search insti- tuted in. For a listing of early surveying instrument. Can anybody tell me a website where I can check the serial numbers for Carl Zeiss Binoculars.